Life is better with a mentor
Facilitating Learning and Reflections Together
Having a mentor is an integral part of the Good Life Designed Process and it is critical, when it comes to bringing your intentions and goals into action. It is a mutual relationship, which both mentee and mentor grow and learn from. The mentee ( learner) takes the active role - setting up the meeting times, sharing learning objectives and tangible goals, while the mentor, the learning facilitator, supports the mentee's ability for self-direction and personal responsibility.
Finding the ideal mentor is crucial. Your mentor should be someone you have complete trust in, who you know will support you, can pose challenging questions with compassion, is a good listener, and will challenge you to hold yourself accountable.
The mentoring we offer at Good Life Designed is always based in The Process and the available tools. There are different options available to start a learning and motivational relationship with one of us.
Do the Work - Create Clarity - Design your Best Life
As you go through the program at your own pace, you can book personal mentoring sessions along the way to help clarify, ask questions, get feedback and have a sounding board. Subsequent mentoring sessions are $300/hr with Pernille and $200/hr with Karin. Book those here + read about our mentors below.
Join other growth-minded friends and life designers virtually or in real life as we go through the Good Life Designed process together over the course of 7 personally facilitated 2 hour sessions. The only requirement is that you are ready to take ownership for your life.
For a number of different reasons people choose to go through the entire Good Life Designed Process in private with a mentor. It is 6 one-hour sessions, which will be scheduled based on both mentee and mentor availability.
Meet our Mentors
Pernille Spiers Lopez, Founder of Good Life Designed
Following a long corporate career, Pernille Spiers-Lopez left IKEA after 21 years with no plan B. She took a year off, wrote her book “Design Your Life” (link to purchase) and then decided she would spend the next chapter of her life sharing her personal leadership tools, continue her love for mentoring and facilitating meaningful conversations, while focusing on her own growth as well. It was with this in mind Good Life Designed was created.
Pernille is the former President of IKEA North America and Global Chief HR Officer. Over the span of her tenure, she elevated the company to new heights and set new standards for success, both for the business and its employees. Her visionary leadership, unwavering commitment to people, and exceptional business acumen have garnered international acclaim.
Throughout her career she has been dedicated to advancing Gender Intelligence, Cultural Inclusiveness, and empowering individuals to achieve their highest aspirations while remaining true to themselves.
As a thought- and business leader, coach, and mentor Pernille brings a unique perspective on personal and professional development. She believes all people have unlimited potential and her purpose has throughout her life been helping people see and unlock their fullest potential.
In addition to her work with Good Life Designed she also serves on several corporate and non-profit boards, both national and international, with a focus on strategy, leadership, culture, organizational development, and diversity.
Karin Graabaek, Co-Founder of GLD UK
Karin is a shining example of always designing and redesigning a life that fits her, husband and two daughters’ lives in London. Karin and Pernille were meant to meet and create great things together. The two were born in the same Danish town and both have a journalist degree from the same school of journalism in Denmark. They met in 2010 when Karin was asked to write the Danish book about Pernille’s career and life – “Hvis Dit Liv Var et Køkken” (If Your Life Was a Kitchen). That was the beginning of a great friendship and collaboration, which they decided to continue for the American version “Design Your Life” and expand with the involvement in Good Life Designed.
Since 2011, Karin has been an integral part of GLD, and her role has grown to encompass mentoring and facilitation. In her yoga classes, mindful journaling workshops, and mentoring sessions, Karin marries her 30 years as a journalist, listening to diverse life narratives, with her experience at the heart of the Good Life Designed community and her insights as a yoga teacher.
She personifies the principles of yoga and Good Life Designed, always aiming to meet people where they are. Her passion is clear: inspiring people to discover who they are and what truly resonates with them and challenge and guide them to find what works best for them.
With her own intention to explore and live life with curiosity and presence - through ups and downs - she is always modeling how the Good Life Designed process is never done – it’s a way of living.
Karin has also published two personal travel guides “London My Love” and “I love New York” and is a freelance journalist with more than 25 years’ experience.
She is based in London with husband and two daughters and has founded the wellness company Yo Flow (yoflow.co.uk).